Saturday, November 16, 2013

poptart plushies

felt plushies that can be used as pillows or whatever you like : mini keychains, wall decoration or just as a gift


  1.  felt (any color you desire)
  2. glue gun
  3. glue
  4. scissors 
  5. polyester filling or other filling 
  1. take a felt sheet of the color you want the body to be and cut it into a rectangle and then do the same for the back, then glue almost all the edges but leave a small area without glue to put in the filling, after you put alot of filling inside glue that area(it may look like a lot at first but it will come down with time so add as much as you can, of course not to the point that you cant close the plushie lol), cut the edged curved.
  2. cut out another sheet of the color that the icing is going to be , leave space for eyes, mouth and this piece should be curved so it looks more like icing then glue it on the body of the plushie.
  3. cut two black circles , two smaller white circles this is for the eyes and glue them to the bottom .
  4. cut out a black half moon and a smaller one in red or pink , glue them also to the bottom but in the middle.
  5. you can chose to cut different size lines to make a pie effect or just do a zigzag and ad it to your plushie in the icing area.
  6. lastly if you want you can chose to ad a hearth or a star , i like hearths ^_^

Saturday, November 2, 2013

jack plushy

I made this plushy a very long time back, this is actually very noob like but it was my first so I am proud of myself for it and actually finishing it in 2 days ..
the materials I used where :
Felt (colors: red, navy blue, white,brown, black, beige, grey and yellow)
needle and thread , the colors where the same as the felt ones
beads, I tried to use a picture reference to be as accurate as possible and also work with the thing I had at the moment...
the hair was  made with  brown string, i cut some pieces into smaller pieces to glue them to the beard, I did the same with the hair but then put the long strings on top to make it more real
the hardest part was making every single piece of clothing removable but hey it worked and lastly i used hot glue for the hair only ... wait i mention the glue... but just in case sorry lol

in this week or the next few ones i will show step by step with pictures how i make them, be warned this is not professional, I SUCK at sewing but this is only for noobs like me to start up with something ^__^